It give us a lesson so please learn from ur mistakes. We are all fallible and everybody in this world has got right to make mistakes and everybody does that but what is important in life is that we should learn from our mistakes.. The one who does not learn aything from one’s past mistakes is unlikely to succed life…..No one in the world get succeed in the first attempt. Those who learn things from mistakes can only lead to success.Yes everyone has to learn from mistakes, she/he should not make the same mistake. Made mistakes make us learn new inventions/thoughts.Its good to learn from our mistakes but i think its also a good way to see the good side of everything.Not realising the mistake is a mistake, but making the mistake is not a mistake. Mistakes can make us to learn us many things.when mistakes are happen they are painful but years later colection of mistakes are leads to success called experiance. Here thinking between two persons one is positive and the other one in negative , failure and mistakes are common but one should come in such a way to hope for the best from the result and can do it in a better way. first to correct the mistakes second not to repeat the mistakes. i remind the words of Abdul kalam sir:
Good decision comes from experience
Experience comes from bad decision
Good decision comes from experience
Experience comes from bad decision