Friday, 14 December 2012
Promise Myself
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
New Life, New Story
Monday, 5 November 2012
When you find out who you are
Friday, 12 October 2012
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Forever young
why forever young? am i scare of getting old? am i scare when today is over and tomorrow come it'll starts over again? so if i scare, should i just wait in bed while they work or else? should i pray for the sun not to rise again? should i let the mystery night keeps on haunting me? or should i refuse my soul not to enter my flesh? answer : "guess not"
Saturday, 25 August 2012
Love is like a dream. It's gone as we wake up, leaving some moments. To be cherished love is like a wind. It embraces us with passion, leaving the scent of fresh flowers tingling our mind. Love is like a water bubble. Beautiful to see from far. Even rainbows are visible, but a thunder touch will break it. Leaving a refreshing sprinkle. Love resembles a shadow. I try to escape but it follow. At times it makes me hollow. It disappears with the sun and leave me in the night. To haunt all over again.................
With pleasure and really welcome into my new life at shs. Yap and this is my school now, 6 Mahakam SHS. Suatu kebanggan tersendiri masuk 6 yeaaa lebay haha tapi ya gitu ygg gue rasain. Gue duduk dikelas X-7. Anak stt yang sekelas sama gue Cuma nadhifa sama redi yaa karena ngga banyak yang masuk 6 hmm Cuma 10 orang-_-tapi gue cukup senang karena dapet temen temen baru. Dikelas ada 38 orang dan 2 yang veter. Ada 24 cewe dan 15 cowo haha. Cewenya yaitu gue, nadhifa, puput, savanah, sheila, shafira, jauza, gika, diva, cahya, anita, ratu, widya, riska, fia, syifa, leoni, nisa, dinda, anisa sp, hanny, airin, mega, nadine. Kalo cowonya ada fadhil, anda, yodi, bintang, rezki, redi, iqbal, mikail, alif, toro, khairi, galih, rivandi, hanif, novrian. Hmm everythings changes since right now. Gue udah jarang buka twitter apalagi blogging-_- ada sesuatu buat sedihhhhhhhhhhhhhh banget. Apakah itu? Gue kehilangan bb gue sewaktu balik sekolah. Oh to the my to the God. OHMAYGAT hahhh keselllll campur sedih tapi yaudahlah udah ilang-_- tuntutan akan tugas yang terbilang cukup berat yg buat gue jarang buka laptop hehe. Kebalikannya sma lain. Di 6 cewenya mesti pake rok span. Guru guru yang asyik dan gokilah haha. Ohiyaaa di 6 juga ada pelajaran yg namanya TVC. Ini salah satu yang gue suka stelah perancis. Tvc ini nantinya kita bakal buat video clip dan shooting. Abis itu kita bakal jadi reporter gitulah haha. Yaaaaaaaaaa ditunggu sajalah selesai projectnya. Hmm apalagi yaa pokoknya I can't describe how happy I am in this school. Even though I lost someone and she is mabesties hmm I'm not losing her but stay away and dont know why. I'm happyyyyyyy I have lots of new friends and they're nice to me. Well 6 mahakam can't describe by words. Hehehhe. Ohiyaaaa waktu pas puasa kita ngadain bukber juga, bukbernya dirumah seila di cipete. Awalnya tuh ribetttttt banget dari nentuin hari mau jumat atau sabtu sampe nentuin tempat mau di cafe strawberry kemang atau rumah. Akhirnya dirumah sheila deh haha. Daaaan kita pun pada akhir acara foto foto hmm 1 yaaa yang gue post. Banyak cerita di x-7 dari yang seneng, ketawa bareng, sampe dihukum bareng hahhaa. muchlove<3
Monday, 2 July 2012
Farewell Party STT2012 Part III: Ketep Pass, Borobudur & Goes to Jekardaaah!
maybe we can't go back to the beginning, but honestly, there's many memories and keep in you heart, always! Don't forget our memories together guysss haha☺
Farewell Party STT2012 Part II: Kraton Jogja, Prambanan, Malioboro & Prom Night!
Farewell Party STT2012 Part I: Goes to Jogja
Friday, 16 March 2012
BTS 177 Junior High School
We're 177 Junior High School. Took some photos for BTS. Haffffffff today is the great day, the most tired day, the most ashamed day.. Jadi giniiii panitia bts itu kan gue,baby,fanya,kecap,randi,ajeng,rama,fatin,icha,bella,yolanda,fani,mia,sasha,kintan,nanda terus syp lagi gitu kita kan hari ini ngurusin foto yang ngebentuk 'stt 2012' sebenernya udah dari kemaren-_- kemaren itu pulang sekolah kita rapat kecil gitu dulu ngomongin mau formasinya apaan antara 'clxxvii 2012/177 2012/stt 2012'. Setelah dirunding akhirnya deal 'clxxvii 2012'. Kita semua WORK HARD ngebentuk itu. Susaaaaaaaaaahhhh bgtbgt mesti diukur dulu,diperkirakan jumlah seangkatan,rempong deh-_-akhirnya blm selesai pada pulang yaudah yang ngerjain tinggal gue,bella,randi,kintan,yolanda sama fani. Kemaren cuma jadi 'cl--vii' doang._. Nah terus nih hari ini pas abis try out kita gece segecenya ngumpul buat ngebentuk lagi. Tapi sayangnya huruf 'xx' ngga muat-_- setelah semua pada udah lelah yeeaaaa kita putusin buat ngebentuk 'STT 2012' hafffffffff what the....................udah setengah jalan yeee yampun bgtbgtbgt._. Yaudah udah malah 360 anak pada susah diatur, gue udah teriak teriak bukan gue doang denggg semua panitia malah. Berusaha keras bangeettt ngebentuk dan ngatur formasinyaaaa._.daaaaannnn finally at the half day kita bisa take beberapa foto bentuk 'STT' gue dibagian 't' belakang bareng panitia lainnya. So tired of this situation. Kecap dikasih uang sama guru buat beli minum+roti buat panitia bts iniiiiiii ahahaha. And we're not stuck, to be continue 'how to make 2012'-______-udaah siang bgtbgt capek+panas+lelah+laper pula._. Gue,baby,nanda,randi kita bagian ngatur kelas 97+98+99 buat bentuk '2' yang belakang. Susah bangettttt diaturnya pada._. Akhirnya bisa juga tapi lama banget suara gue sampe serak wakakaka. Pas semua udah rapi foto juga akhirnyaaaaa haha. Gue dibagian '0' bareng yang lain. Selama foto bts dari jam 9 sampe jam 1 itu kita panitia juga pada foto 'khusus panitia!' Aahaha dan kita pada minta sehalaman buat majang foto para panitia stt 2012 haha. Udaaaaaahhhh alhamdulillah selesai jugaaaa foto btsnya. This day I felt soooooooo tired,thirsty,hungry,and soooo happy hahaha. Why am I feel happy? Because from here I can feel near with the other friends that I never knew. Because this is the first and the last time we can take photos the whole of 177 Junior High School's students. Because I can feel we have solidarity each others. Because from here we can arguments,debates,work hard,feeling hungry+thirsty,eat+drink,tired,screams,busung gave us bad comments,everything&anything bad&good we felt TOGETHER! And I'll be missing these and certainly, I can't forget this moment, this day. 177 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 2012!☺♥